The other day I was having one of those moments where I was questioning God about some things that He had promised me some years back. I was still praying and believing God for these things but nothing had manifested in the natural realm yet. I realized that when I got frustrated about these things, I would speak negatively about the blessings. I would say things such as, "Oh, I don't even care anymore if it ever happens," or "Hey, if I don't have it by now, it must not have been mine in the first place." I have done this many times, but on this particular occasion, God rebuked me. He literally showed me that I was saying these things out of fear. Fear says that you can't have or that you don't deserve. My fear was that God wasn't going to make good on his promises. I had to ask God for forgiveness and I quickly rebuked the negative words that were spoken because the power of life and death are in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). We should always be careful of the words that we speak.

In Genesis 15, God makes a covenant with Abraham (who at the time was still called Abram). God tells Abraham that he will father a son. Now even though Sarah (who was Sarai at the time) was past her child bearing years, Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. When you move over to Genesis 18, the Lord visited with Abraham and reminded him of His promise - that Abraham would have a son. In this passage, Sarah was listening in on what was being said and she began to laugh to herself, and God questioned Abraham about her laughing. Sarah denied laughing; she did so out of fear.
Sometimes God will make us a promise that, to the natural eye, seems so unbelievable. This is where your faith has to step in. Don't speak fear over your situation, speak life...Believe God for He will do what He says He will do.
Insightful Post! I've found myself doing that in my life as well. I think it has something to do with how we expect things to happen immediately and when they don't we start questioning its validity. But God is God and he operates in his own timing. He speaks things into our lives through Rhema words, by vessels that he has placed in our lives or by get this "unusal alliances". We never know how God is gonna reveal himself to us and the plans that he has for our lives. I believe that the fear factor comes into play when we don't see the manifestations instantly! I have come to learn that when God is covering you...he is literally covering YOU! He will protect, some things he may not allow you to walk into instantly but insteads nurtures and prepare you for the, ultimately its not rejection of something...its his protection.
ReplyDeletePeople of God...Fear not! God has your back...when God is for you...who in their RIGHT mind would come against you!
Toodles :)
Meko, excellent comment. It is amazing how we sometimes let fear dictate our words - and we tend to do this, as you said, when we don't see things happening. I try so hard now to monitor every word that I say when I am feeling frustrated. God is truly faithful. Thanks for the feedback and keep them coming.