I have often heard many older women say whatever comes to mind (nothing nice, of course) and think that they are justified by their age to say whatever they wish. And please don't get me started on the 'mothers' of the church. Some of them have some of the worse attitudes than anyone you will ever run across. Many stand with judgmental attitudes, wondering why none of the young ladies will listen to anything they have to say, but as it is often said, we lead by being the example.
In the second chapter of Titus, older women are instructed to serve as an example to younger women - teaching them what is good. It seems that in this day and age, many older women are doing the opposite of this and are trying to relive the days of their youth. We often see older women in super-short dresses, living under the same roof with a man for years to someone who is not her husband, and gossiping about everything that goes on in someone else's household. And we wonder why the youth of today is in disarray.
We hear so much about the younger generation is doing this, or the younger generation is doing that when many of the older generation are doing the same things in which the younger generation is. The younger generation is only mimicking what they are seeing the older generation do.
Titus 2 is one of my favorite scriptures because it gives instruction to the older women as well as to the younger women. A lot of times we see older women in the church who are just spectators and they really lack that personal relationship with the Lord. That is why some of them are still fornicating, using all sorts of profanity, and doing everything under the sun just as some of the younger women. Just because an older woman has gray hair does not mean that she is a wise woman. It is really time for the this generation young and old be the Titus 2 woman that God called us to become.