Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rediscovering Your Gifts - Part II

For as long as I can remember, my dad has always owned his own business.  Additionally, my dad was a pastor, which makes me a PK (Preacher's Kid).  With his brick mason business, he frequently had to submit bids to actually bid on work.  At an early age, he began to show me how to write the bids.  He also had to keep his resume/bio updated to submit to churches where he would be a guest speaker so that they would have some information about him printed on their programs.  Guess who started writing them?  If you guessed me, you are correct (sorry that there's no prize to give).  If you read yesterday's blog then I hope you can see where I am going with this.  While I was young, my dad was assisting in further developing my writing skills. 

Sometimes our parents, friends, or even co-workers can see in us what we can't see ourselves.  One way to rediscover your gifts is to ask those around you what do they see as your strengths.  Take some time today to ask at least 5 people what they think are your gifts/strengths.  Be sure to only ask people that will be honest with you and who will not be critical of what you are trying to do.  If you don't know how to break the ice try saying that you are thinking about starting your own business and you would like for them to assist you by stating what they think are your strengths - what could they see you doing.

Well, get to working.  Feel free to send me your results via email at latoryanettles@gmail.com.

LaTorya L. Nettles

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